Sustainable Agriculture


Note: Grant and funding information can change and the application process is competitive. If you are interested in pursuing funding opportunities and programs, please contact the specific funder directly concerning the application process, including the qualification criteria and deadlines to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information. The below information is for general reference purposes only and is not intended as legal advice or specific technical assistance.

GOING GREEN: Exploring Sustainable Agriculture

Interested in promoting sustainability at the state and local level? This guide sets out key action ideas:

Curtis, Jennifer, et. al. April 2010. From Farm to Fork: A Guide to Building North Carolina’s Sustainable Local Food Economy, a Center for Environmental Farming Systems report, Raleigh, N.C.

The Center for Environmental Farming Systems offers webinars on a variety of practical topics from local food projects to cover crops. Watch them and find other CEFS resources here:

The USDA examines the renewable energy supply chain in the guide Advancing ReNewable Energy, which includes an overview of programs and financial assistance opportunities:$file/renewable_energy_brochure.pdf

If you are contemplating organic farming, Farm Aid’s survey of sustainable options is a good place to start. General information concerning funding, networking, managing the transition, and seeking certification is available here:

Carolina Farm Stewardship’s Organic Production Handbook explores organic regulation and certification as well as agricultural practices associated with organic farming:

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQUIP) and Southern SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education) through its grants and research projects provide opportunities for qualified farmers interested in sustainable options.

Learn more about EQIP: (NRCS website) (from Carolina Farm Stewardship Association)

Grant information from Southern SARE: